RESULTS - Stableford Competition at Vintage on Saturday 23 March 2024

The wind blew a little for the first time in several months at Vintage yesterday. By many accounts it was hurricane force and always straight into players' faces. Remarkable meteorological conditions. Scores reflected the unlucky nature of the players except for overall winner Andrew Guilfoyle who handled the conditions well and scored a 4 pointer on his last hole to take the overall win on countback. Congratulations Andrew!

The flight wins were taken by Noi Waratworayon (A - 36 points, unlucky to lose on countback), John Bell (B - 33 points, an excellent 2nd nine) and Jin Jeffreys (C - 32 points). See all the winners, runners up and technical prize winners below:
The Fireballs continued their dominant run in this year's Team Competition. Will they ever not win? They are also getting better at their winners pic. Practice makes perfect I guess.

Our next event is a Stableford competition on Saturday 13 April during Songkran. We are at Muang Kaew for the first time this year.
Sign up on True Handicap at usual.